Recently, word on the street has it that pure fresh coconut water is good for the Covid 19 Jab, generating demand for fresh coconuts. Let's unravel how much truth there is to the claim.
The reason stems from the known mild side effects of most Covid 19 Vaccines, some may experience pain at the injection site and mild fever, which usually resolves in a few days.
Medical staff administering the vaccination would advise using Panadol and/or stay very hydrated. Fresh coconut water also helps with speedy rehydration and prevents temperature spikes. It would help to lower the temperature of fever patients too.
Webmd, an online health database curated by medical professionals states that Coconut water is rich in carbohydrates and electrolytes such as potassium, sodium, and magnesium. Because of this electrolyte composition, there is a lot of interest in using coconut water to treat and prevent dehydration. Some research also suggests that drinking coconut water might lower blood pressure in people with high blood pressure.
While Webmd supports the hydration benefits of coconut water, it has not mentioned anything much about lowering body temperature. TheHindu - e-newspaper in India quotes Chinemere Onuekwusi of Yahoo! Contributor Network. He believes coconut water stops all kinds of adverse drug reactions. Its sodium+potassium+magnesium composition makes it a good substitute for saline-glucose, he writes. Coconut water is germ-free (pyrogen free: a substance that causes fever). It has been found very useful for natural oral re-hydration therapy (ORT). “It is on record that coconut water if taken during feverish conditions reduces fever,” he says. “It is also known to calm nervous and emotional imbalances. Taking coconut water regularly aids in flushing the liver, since it contains lauric acid that has anti-microbial properties.”
The key though is we are talking about pure fresh coconut water here, unprocessed, pure and unmixed with other elements. Make sure its 100% coconut water with no added sugar. So if you are getting your vaccine next and wondering if this is Myth or Fact, we gotcha back here, go ahead and get em!